Hutmacher Common Library -- Version 0.1
Hoot-Owl Common Library Documentation

Why use the HCL?

What the HCL isn't.

HCL Prototypes

The function prototypes are one of the reasons that spurred the development of the HCL. The prototypes has been designed to remove confusion and to"self document" by making it crystal clear what each function does.

HCL and Data Types

The HCL uses it's own data types to describe variable data types. This is because javascript's typeof and php's gettype() functions return different values. The function get_type_() returns a HCL_TYPE_xxx value and is the equivalent of typeof and gettype();

The function returns one of the following values:

HCL Capabilities

The HCL is broken down into several "sublibraries". These are "core", "classes" and "dependent".

HCL Features

HCL features are specific operations or abilities the HCL can do or not do based on the environment the code is running in. Once such example is Microsecond timestamps. Not all browsers or OSes allow for a timestamp that is accurate to a Microsecond (1/1,000,000 of a second). The hcl_features_() and hcl_feature_() function tells the user if a particular feature is available or not. The function or class documentation will explain what happens if a particular feature is not available and how that will affect it's operation.

About The Source Code

The Javascript version of the source code has been meticulously documented. This is because the overall documentation for the HCL (both Javascript and PHP) is generated from the Javascript source code files. The PHP source code is only documented to help the programmers and not as through as the Javascript code.
In addition:

HCL Errors

Most HCL functions will return an error code if the arguments provided are not correct in some way. That error code is HCL_ERROR_VALUE, which by default is the language's null value. Some functions (mostly arrays) provide an option to change the error value returned in case the function might return null as a non-error value.

Array Functions

Math Functions

String Functions


The source code is licensed under the Hutmacher Damn Near Public Domain License.

About this documentation.

To prevent duplication of documentation and possible errors, the documentation for the HCL is included in the javascript source code. The php documentation is generated from the javascript source code as well, with special sections included showing any php specific information about a given function or class